Obserwuj @RegataNews
organizing committee                                                           
Function Name Telephone number e-Mail Language Responsibilities
Organization Committee
Organization Committee Chairman Marek Świderski + 48 534 111 756 marek@jkkp.pl PL, EN General Manager
of the whole event
National Secretary for Poland Jarek Płaszczyca + 48 502 174 186 jarek.plaszczyca@gmail.com PL, EN  
Race Office Manager Dawid Sosnowski +48 783 119 408 dawid@jkkp.pl PL, EN  
Marina Office Menager Kasia Sito +48 601 724 494 kontakt@marinakamienpomorski.pl PL, EN  
Jantar Resort Representative Karina Ksiąszkiewicz +48 512 786 079 jantar@dziwnowek.com.pl PL, EN Accommodation and meals in Jantar Resort
Jantar Resort Representative Agata Surowiecka +48 694 323 488 jantar@dziwnowek.com.pl PL, EN Accommodation and meals in Jantar Resort